Thursday, January 3, 2013

One man's trash...

Recently I've had the good fortune of HAVING to clear out the trunk of my car....

Fun right?  ( Insert dancing emoticon.animation here)

So I decided to tackle the old slouch bags in my closet too. You know the ones that we always throw "meaningful" things into and forget them once the day is done. Only to have em catch dust in the corner of our closets.

Old pictures, magazines, love letters, unfinished projects...... So many new opportunities to re-energize, remember, restart, and reminisce. Who knew how cathartic throwing out old crap really is?

It wasn't only a lesson in how to hoard less when you have to, it was an epiphany.

Energy cannot be destroyed! I didn't discover that principle/theory. But as I rumbled through, sorting, throwing out and gathering together, I realized that :

1.) Throwing out things we no longer use doesn't destroy their memory or the chance of them being needed later on. It helps us to learn the lesson of letting go of what no longer serves us without forgetting it. We can throw it away and regain the energy that holding on to things that no longer serve us, is draining.

2.) Holding on to things that we know will help us can force us to action to rekindle what we have lost sight of.
A picture of our former healthy bodies, or a smile that we no longer know...a project to-do list unanswered...a book unread....

What unfinished business do you have lurking in your closets. trunks, drawers...

What energy do you need to reclaim or transform? 


  1. Great insight, recently I have moved and went thru all of the 'junk' and magic, that made me, well me.

    1. Im glad you liked it bahamamama! If it weren't a "chore" for us, I'd say it was like a treasure trove of ourselves. lol Cheers! Don't forget to subscribe! :-)

  2. Im glad you liked it bahamamama! If it weren't a "chore" for us, I'd say it was like a treasure trove of ourselves. lol Cheers!
